

Year after year, you are increasingly choosing to donate your 5×1000 to the Tonglen ODV Association, helping us to empathetically accompany those who are dealing with an unfortunate diagnosis or mourning.

With your 5×1000 you will help us support people in one of the most delicate phases of their lives and that of their loved ones, stimulating their resilience.

Our accompaniment is inspired by a new paradigm that combines the Tibetan thanatological tradition and the most modern Western scientific studies produced by quantum physics, neurocardiology and neuroscience.

Choose to accompany people with us and enter our Fiscal Code 95569940018 in your tax return!

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have reached about 2,000-3,000 people at each Facebook live broadcast and we welcome those who ask for help in chats aimed at supporting sick people, family members or those who are grieving. We have chats dedicated to those who have lost a child or who are caring for a loved one with dementia. Our volunteers also provide individual support free of charge.

Since 2001 we have been empathetically accompanying sick people, their families and their therapists using the ECEL method, today a recognized discipline taught at the In Corde Scientia Popular University.

In 2008 the Association won the Terzani Award for the Humanization of Medicine, has been part of the Piedmont Oncology Network since its foundation and is among the founders of the Euro-Mediterranean Network for the Humanization of Medicine (Humana Medicina).


The tax return forms CU, 730 and UNICO contain a space dedicated to 5×1000. In the section relating to "Support for volunteering and other non-profit organizations of social utility ..." you can sign and indicate the tax code of the Tonglen ODV Association 95569940018. Download the postcard.

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